Walchem - W600 SERIES
The W600 series provides reliable, flexible and powerful control for
your water treatment program.
- Controls up to 6 complex functions
- Touch screen display with icon-based programming makes setup easy
- Analytical sensors measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, disinfection, fluorescence and flow meter input
Key Features:
- Chemical dosing controlled and automated
- System Water pH, Conductivity & Temperature online display
- No wasting of Chemicals
- Cooling tower bleed/ drain controlled
- Dosing of 4 Types of Chemicals controlled by W 600
- No wasting of Makeup water
- No manpower assistance required as 24 x 7
- Water quality main parameters monitored 24 x 7
- Water quality main parameters displayed 24 x 7
- System’s Data Feedback Collection by USB
- Ethernet card with Modbus TCP